If you’re painting something besides a kitchen, this form won’t be accurate – you can use the regular cabinet quote form for bathrooms and built-ins.
What you really want to know is, “what is painting my cabinets going to cost me?” We get it, we’re the same way. Let’s get you a ballpark quote!
To generate an instant ballpark cost estimate, we only need about 1 minute of your time and none of your personal information.
Go to your kitchen and count all the cabinet doors and drawer fronts (even the faux ones, like the one under the sink). Don’t forget to include any end-panels that we’ll remove and paint as well. There’s an example below the form if you’re unsure what to count.
How to count up the doors and drawers for your estimate
Counting up most of the doors and drawer fronts is easy enough, but there are a few that sometimes get missed. In the photo above, 11, 23 and 24 are fixed end panels that are there to finish off the end of the cabinets. We can almost always remove those and spray them with the rest of the doors, so add those to your count.
The faux panel under the sink (19) is a standard drawer front, so don’t forget that one. Finally, the lazy-susan door (18) can come off and is a single 90° door.
Although it doesn’t matter for this ballpark quote, doors that have glass (2,3,4,5) will be quoted at a slightly higher rate due to the extra labor involved.
This photo also has a feature that is usually caught at the actual home visit, the part over the exhaust fan over the stove. Although not a cabinet, you would probably want that painted to match the rest of the kitchen cabinets. So, although that cost wouldn’t be caught in this ballpark quote, that’s the type of feature that can sometimes add a little bit to the final quote.
Want to avoid the form?
Take a few pictures of all the areas of the kitchen that have cabinets you want painted, then send those photos – along with the address of the house (this is how we keep the quotes straight) – to quotes@2cabinetgirls.com and we’ll give you a quote completely through email.